Beat the meno-belly blues - 5 ways to lose the menopause belly

Beat the meno-belly blues - 5 ways to lose the menopause belly

Ah, menopause. The time of life when women experience a whole range of changes - hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and of course, the dreaded menopause tummy. That's right...
April 24, 2023
FIJJIT gives you the confidence to achieve anything

FIJJIT gives you the confidence to achieve anything

If you’re Body conscious the thought of walking around in tight workout apparel can bring you out in a cold sweat, add wearing it in public and it’s nothing short...
April 05, 2023
3 Tips To Feel More Confident At The Gym

3 Tips To Feel More Confident At The Gym

This year, like many other years before, you made yourself a promise. This year is the year I go to the gym and feel good about myself. And what’s not...
April 05, 2023